FARMING sustainability

Sanyuka’s Sustainability is a very important part of our development strategy. We aim at creating a self-sustaining environment where Uganda’s orphaned and vulnerable children can have hope and an opportunity to realize their God given potential. With the ongoing economy uncertainty, we needed to come up with ways of giving our family the meals they need to grow up healthy. Our Sanyuka farm provides vegetables, corn, beans, matooke and pork to our family hence reducing the expenses on food and nutrition as well as training hub for our children to adopt farming skills in poultry, piggery, and subsistence farming skills. With the help of you our partners we are looking at growing our farm into a diverse agribusiness which will serve as a dual purpose hub for feeding our family as well as providing a training ground for our children. We are looking at raising leaders in Uganda’s agricultural sector. At Sanyuka, in everything we do, our hearts beat for the community, our target is to empower communities, have sustainable future and to kick poverty out of communities and county at large
Sanyuka currently operates on a few acres of land in the outskirts of Kampala. The farm is currently holding some Banana plantation one of Uganda’s highly consumed food crop, some corn, beans and trees which will supplement the kids diet and sell the surplus for income.

We are doing piggery now and looking at rearing goats and cattle keeping in the near future to supplement our income and sustainability initiatives.
We are doing poultry at a small scale right now and in our farm expansion plan, we are planning to do poultry on a large scale, where the eggs will be consumed by the Sanyuka children and the surplus will be sold to raise funds to further our mission.